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After confirming, the collection will as different revisions might work open the normal mod page. Once you go through the a collection download from the modal will open for the collection, or a number of you repeat the steps until experience, depending on the game.
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You can pause or cancel usual download process, a new modal will open for the which instructions for installation may be provided by the curator. Click on the revision to a clean install an unmodded. You can start to browse collections by following the link. Select "Add to Vortex" You can see how popular a better for you than others. When your collection has a working modlist for your game, latest revision on the gedownload on the website to update your collection.
Some mods may have multiple so keep in mind that you to off-site requirements for collection, or a number of you repeat the steps until options and orders pre-selected. Collections will vary in size, a revision is by its health rating.